During my upbringing in the 70s and 80s, I have vivid memories of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school. As a child, especially back then, we followed instructions unquestioningly. I can recall only a few instances when our teachers discussed the meaning of the “Pledge of Allegiance” with us. However, as a black child, I had numerous conversations about what it meant to be black in America.

During the vibrant era of the 80s and 90s, when music genres started to blend, and America confronted the looming threats of nuclear weapons, I made the decision to enlist in the Navy. Despite being acutely aware of the persistent disparities and mistreatment faced by black people in our country, I experienced an unwavering sense of pride when I donned the uniform. Throughout my time in service, I encountered a few racial incidents, but in the grand scheme of things, we were all united under the banner of “Navy Blue.”

But as the calendar flips to 2023, I can’t help but reflect on the state of our nation and the disheartening division that seems to pervade every corner of our society. It’s a far cry from the sense of unity I experienced during my time in the Navy and the hopeful progress that followed. Today, it feels as though we have reached an unprecedented level of division, where political ideologies, social issues, and cultural differences tear at the fabric of our unity. In this blog, we will explore the challenges we face as a nation and ponder the possibilities of bridging our divides to build a stronger, more inclusive future.

In recent years, the polarization of our country has reached alarming levels. Whether it’s political affiliations pulling us apart, ideological clashes on social media, or deep-rooted societal issues coming to the forefront, we find ourselves entrenched in echo chambers that reinforce our own perspectives. We seem to have forgotten the power of dialogue, empathy, and compromise. As the world continues to seemingly swirl out of control, Black Americans feel generally disconnected from the festivities and delve into the ongoing struggle for true inclusivity in 2023.

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com

The Shadows of History:

To understand the hesitation among Black Americans to fully embrace July 4th celebrations, we must confront the shadows of history. Our nation’s independence was achieved through the toil and sacrifice of countless individuals, including Black slaves whose voices were silenced and contributions ignored. The stain of slavery, followed by generations of systemic racism and inequality, that has left deep wounds that still resonate today. It is a painful reminder that the promise of liberty and justice for all has not always included Black Americans.

Photo by nappy on Pexels.com

Freedom, as it relates to the Black American experience, is a multifaceted concept. While progress has been made, the journey towards true freedom from systemic oppression is far from over. July 4th serves as a reminder that the struggle for freedom and equality is ongoing and requires collective effort. Many Black Americans choose to channel their energies into movements that demand systemic change, rather than partaking in traditional celebrations that may feel disconnected from their lived experiences.

Reimagining Independence Day:

Personally, since everything is changing, I believe some of these holidays are due for a revamp as well. Rather than dismissing the concerns and hesitations of black people, we should reimagine Independence Day and acknowledge the historical complexities, recognizing the ongoing fight for equality, and promoting conversations about the inclusive vision of America that we strive to achieve.

If we embrace the voices and experiences of Black Americans, we can transform July 4th into a day that reflects the collective journey towards true freedom and justice for all.

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